Wednesday, August 31, 2005

"You're busy already, and it's only the second week of school..."

That was the comment of my CL as Mabel and I tried to work in a mandatory Strengths meeting into our schedule. It's true. The past few days have been crazy... with everything going on at home that I wish I could be there for, wanting to get involved in organizations, reading endless chapters in textbooks, forgetting homework assignments (no worries, the due dates were postponed). I'm constantly reminded that my planner is my lifesaver, but more importantly, Christ is my center. I told Mabel today that even though we are trying to get involved in a ton of stuff... I feel like I have more time then I ever did in high school. Maybe because 20 hours of being in class is spread out over the week... instead of having 20 hours in less than three days, and still having two more days full of class... I've had so much good quality time in the Word and in prayer since I've been here, Mabel and I have already gone and worked out twice (yay! we're 2 for 2!), I love that I can talk to my friends for hours at a time on the phone and not feel like I have things pressing on me that I "should be" doing, and I love talking to them (yes, I am becoming a phone person again, I knew it would happen when it was my only option). It's hard being away from friends when they are going through hard times, and when they are going through good times, but in some ways, I feel like I have grown closer to some people at home just since I've left. If my friendships and family relationships can be sustained even across such a great distance, I'm confident they can be sustained throughout the struggles of life. I wish I could be at home to cry with you and celebrate with you, but know that I'm here for you and just because I'm far away doesn't mean that our friendship can't grow. I will always make time for you. Even with everything going on, I've spent a lot of time studying, and I'm sure the workload will become more intense... but still, I feel like I'm managing my time well, which is a new experience for me. We went to Campus Crusade tonight and I think that I'd like to get involved in the ministry... I caught my first prize thrown into the audience ever, a free T-shirt, rock on... and it seems like the students involved really have a heart for Christ and a heart for getting other students plugged in. Then we went to the Swing Society... it was so much fun. Swing dancing is so cool. There weren't exactly enough guys to go around so the girls stood in line waiting for a turn... but it was fun. They taught us basics and a cool move called "The Slap" (lovin' it). We had a great time. I danced with three guys, who were all really good dancers... and Mabel and I decided to come back because we both have things to do before we call it a night. But yes, the swing society is definitely gonna be a new thing for us. Good stuff.... It's Kyle's 16th birthday today, I love you bro! It's so crazy to think that he's 16... that I'm almost 18... when did we "grow up" so much? Kyle and I have always been friends... I remember when he was still in a crib, but he was probably close to a year old, and I woke up on a Saturday morning early, before the parents were up, and I went into Kyle and Kevin's room and climbed into Kyle's crib with him and we just played. I wanted to be close to my baby brother and to spend time with him. I'm glad that we've always gotten along and spent time together. I love my brothers!!! It's amazing to me to think about that simple memory from so long ago... Where did the time go? I'm reminded that our lives are like a vapor, quickly fading. Think about this, if Christ makes our temporary "vapor" lives on earth rich, how much more magnificent will heaven be... everlasting, never fading and never ending, life. Sweet....

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