Sunday, August 21, 2005

Into the town of green and gold...

Ugh, classes start tomorrow... back to real life. I love this place though... and I'm actually excited about classes. Yes, I know I'm a nerd, but I'm ok with that and if you're not, well, then that's too bad ;-) . Yesterday was fun... Mabel and I went and found our classes after sleeping in and eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch in our room--oh, and I managed to get strawberry syrup on my clothes so I had to change before we had even gone anywhere, we went to the dining hall for lunch, came to the dorm and hung out (I took a short nap also, yes), had an honors living learning center get-together (free cookies and stuff), went and bought my books (ouch, I'm always open for donations!), went to dinner with some girls from our hall, chilled some more, went to Bear Country-- kinda reminded me of Cowboy Up... cept everything was free--cotton candy, awesome kettle corn, drinks, free pictures, caricatures, a wanna-be mechanical bull (I'm not gonna try and describe it to you, I need to do hand motions for that one), square dancingand some other dancing (hooray for the Cha Cha Slide). Then we had breakfast outside at like 11pm... good stuff. Today, we went to University Baptist Church, where David Crowder is the worship leader, for those of you who don't know that. The worship time was good... I hope God enjoyed it. I called Daniel to brag... I love you, Daniel! :) Mabel and I want to try some other churches though definitely cause the message was just a little shallow for us... though the pastor seems like a great guy and had some good stuff to say... he talked about evangelism. Then there was free pizza... good stuff. Then, the hunt for Wal-Mart... we weren't sure where it was... and when we stopped and asked we were really close, we just gave up too soon, we hadn't gone far enough. So we bought more stuff for our room... paper lanterns that we are going to try and hang in a little while... we'll see how that goes... some little things we forgot, you get the picture. It's been a good day so far. I think Sundays will be the day I miss home the most. Youth at home starts in less than two hours... maybe I'll call somebody afterwards... it's interesting going "church-hunting" without your family and stuff. I will be excited to find a church to plug into though. God will work it out, as He always does. I've started the David Nasser book "A Call to Die" since I got here. Nasser encourages you to fast from something for the forty days of the study, so I finally decided to fast from coffee... since it is something I often become too dependent on if you know what I mean. I love that Christ is becoming my obsession... He is so incredible.

Give me one pure and holy passion
Give me one magnificent obsession
Give me one glorious ambition for my life
To know and follow hard after You

To know and follow hard after You
To grow as Your disciple in the truth
This world is empty, pale, and poor
Compared to knowing You, my Lord
Lead me on and I will run after You
Lead me on and I will run after You


Todd G Sapp said...

i'm supporting you in this Tam. No coffee for me either for at least 40 days.

James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

Hey Tam!! I miss you alot! But I am having Fun and so are you so enough with all the missing.. Hold on a sec, I have to pee, be right back... Ok, wow!! That feels alot better, its like 2:45, monday night(or tuesday morning) I just got back from work like 45 ago... and i have had to pee!!! i drank sooo much after work...(like i said on Calyns blog, it was rootbeer.) All the other guys were drinking beer tho...but anywho, i like my IBC rootbeer just fine. your the best T, i still have, on my window shelf thingy, the picture of you and me when we "went" to "prom"... ;-) and it makes me happy to see it. tho my hair kinda resembles a mullet... maybe i will post it on my blog.. but maybe not.. who can know the mind of God??? I am not implying that i am God, I was changing the subject and then asking a biblical question. its late, and i think I am out of it, maybe that is the reason for all this crazy talk.. i love you!, have a great day and serve the one whom we serve.. :-)
And they lived happily everafter...

The End