Thursday, August 25, 2005

The hills are alive with the sound of music....

So, I've been reading for my classes for like... probably 2 1/2 hours... maybe longer actually. Though I did have to read some parts multiple times because my mind was wandering... but, just goes to show that they don't waste time before giving work around here. Today, well I guess yesterday now since it's after midnight, was a good day. My psych lecture was fun, the professor is interesting and was easy to listen to. Chapel and design were alright... but then I was done with class... before noon. Sweet!... and as I was walking back to my dorm the bells were playing The Sound of Music... that made my day. I should have done homework in the afternoon, but I just wanted to chill... so I did. Then, I went and kept the Colon twins at their school until Dr.Colon (Susan) could get there to pick them up. That was fun and I get to do it every week from now on. The girls are so sweet and extremely intelligent for their age. We read books, did puzzles, sewed little letter things... I love kids so much. I'm excited that I get to have a little bit of time to spend with the girls every week. I miss all the kids at home. The kids in preschool choir, the kids I babysit, kids I've had in my cabin at camp or at VBS that give me big hugs whenever they see me.... What can I say? I love kids!! I pray one day I'll get to have my own, but I love working with everyone else's and being blessed by their innocence, their love for learning, their blind faith and trust. I'm no greater than any child... and we are all God's children. Pretty amazing that our parents, our grandparents, our authorities, our peers, our friends, our mentors, our brothers and sisters.... no matter the age, we are all just children. Pretty humbling when you realize the gravity of that. Sometimes I get discouraged because I feel like so many adults stereotype all youth to be immature and without a substantial relationship with Christ. It's almost as if they think we could have nothing to contribute to their lives because we haven't lived as long as them and had as many experiences as them. But we're all children. We can all encourage and inspire one another, no matter our age or background. When we are followers of Christ, we are equal through His grace. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is right to rebel against authorities or fail to recognize that others may be wiser than us in areas. I'm simply saying that we can all impact one another... we are the body of Christ, and no part is more important or more needed than any other. Incredible. Alright, I'll get out of the pulpit... I have about half an hour more until my clothes are done in the dryer and I can fold them, put them away, and go to bed. I'm off to go and get some more time in His word... isn't it good? Here's a little taste....

God's blessing makes life rich;
nothing we do can improve on God.
Proverbs 10:22

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