Friday, August 05, 2005

God is Hugeous

Hello Everybody. Yes, I suppose it is high time for me to join the blog world officially. Don't get too excited though, cause I make no promises to post every day or provide hilarious jokes or anything... I do hope to use this blog to sorta keep in touch with people as I go off to college (Go Baylor Bears!). Where do I begin? This summer has been one of the most incredible summers of my life... and no, I do not say that lightly. Everyone that went to Student Life Camp at Covenant College this past week can agree with me that it was an awesome experience. Most everybody else in blogworld has already raved about it. God is hugeous, guys. Don't you love that word? We (Kenley, Nicole, James, and I) discovered it when we were looking on for the word hubious... which, James, is not a word, I'm nearly wholly convinced (it wasn't on!). Hugeous just means huge... but it's so much cooler of a word. Anyway, back to God. It has never ceased to amaze me that God is so big, and yet so personal, that He can work in every single individual's heart at the exact same time and be teaching them so many different things. None of us are in the exact same place in our relationship with God, guys, how could we be? But isn't it amazing that we are all invited to be a part of God's story? The God of the cosmos created you, loves you, and wants for you to be a part of His story. Now, as everyone who knows me knows.... I love to pray. I have grown more and more in love with God through watching Him work through prayer this summer. Friends that I have prayed for for it seems like forever... God has grabbed hold of their hearts in mighty ways... struggles in our youth group that I haven't known how to handle... God's taken care of it. God has shown me in very real ways that He hears my prayers and is faithful to His promises. Not only in big things, but in little things. You know what I thought was awesome... Anna Kuder (I love you!) was in my room at camp and we prayed that her family would get a new dog soon and we came back and Melissa and Mrs. Gail had bought a puppy that day! God answers prayers, and none are insignificant to Him. Now, if you check out Calyn's blog you can see some of the amazing things that God breathed in existence that are trillions upon trillions of miles away from us... God is hugeous, and He cares about me? Whoa. I'll leave you with that thought....


Todd G Sapp said...

Love the title and couldn't agree more!

Calyn said...

Did someone say Wakulla Springs?

James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

Yeah! Gosh T, it is about time... hehe, acually my blog is like three days newer than yours.. :-) love ya, and all the rest of my peeps; (i mean "chicks"):-) read the opening post in mine to figure that one out.. Peace