Monday, January 09, 2006

Do you ever feel you are drowning and you only have one foot in the water?

Yah, this semester is scaring me already... and I've only been to two classes. Fortunately those two classes were the ones that I was prepared to be scared about... if that makes any sense at all. I know it's all in God's hands. In my quiet time this morning He really encouraged me that He's gonna take care of everything. My key verse for the day is Romans 1:6- "And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ." God was just gently reassuring me that I belong to Him and that He has a purpose for me, in this place and in my relationships and all that jazz. Thank you Jesus. The day holds much in store. The past two days have been really emotional for me... from choking back tears to being all smiles to being angry and hurt to being excited and nervous... yah, quite a rollercoaster. Thank you to those of you who listened to me whine and huff and helped me smile. I love you, and you know it! I'm moving forward prayerfully... I get to start guitar today *cheesy grin*, I'm going to work, Mabel and I are determined to get back in the habit of working out, I'm gonna get my car back~I miss my baby!, buying books and doing homework have got to be worked in somewhere... I have friends to catch up with... the semester has begun! Let me know how I can pray for you guys and know that He is holding you.
~Lots of love~


Lori said...

Tes, I've been thinking about you a lot lately and I'm sorry I haven't talked to you before now...I feel an e-mail in the works...hopfully tomorrow :o) Love ya lots. Proverbs 17:17

jess said...

I know the feeling.........I am scared about starting Spanish II. I'm happy for you starting guitar. It is a lot of fun. You will probably hate it when you have learn how to bar though. It hurts like crap! It still is a lot of fun, though. You can pray that somehow through my monstrously busy schedule that I will somehow stay in God's will. It is no picnic.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Yeah I know what you mean about classes. I went to math this morning and the professor scared the crap out of me. So I found another class with a teacher I like, the only catch is that I won't get to eat lunch with Bekah now. I'm going to keep looking for one at a different time though. Anyway, long story short =) I know what you mean.

I hope everything works out for you!

♥ Leah

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I feel like I'm drowning too, but for other reasons as well. Thank you for the reminder. I know God is holding me, but sometimes I forget to feel Him. I love you and I will be praying for you as you start this semester!

James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

Ok babe, this is ma comment to you. :) kinda funny that im talking to ya right now.. hehe this is the best.. =) or your the best.. or Texas is the best too! heh

ok well im gonna go post now ;-)
Love you,

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