Wednesday, March 15, 2006

It's been more than a while....

I know I haven't posted in a really long time... my life has been crazy lately and when it finally slowed down I just decided to enjoy the rest... my Spring Break has been great so far. My daddy, brother, and sweetheart of a boyfriend came all the way to Texas to bring me home and kidnap my nephew while they were at it ;o). The week leading up to Spring Break was a terror. Tons and tons of stuff, but I made it, praise the Lord. Mabel and I had our first serious confrontation session with each other... I knew it would come one day. Praise Jesus that we can challenge each other to lay down our sinful attitudes and take up our cross and follow the Lord. I don't ever want to take the blessings of my friends for granted. Mabel, I love you and cherish you and am so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for being honest with me and challenging me to be a better friend and better roommate. I'm sorry for the ways I've hurt you. Thank you for loving me and sharpening me.
Since I've been home what's been going on.... Saturday my Mom and I took Camron to get his haircut, then Janelle, Mr. Robbin, Kenley, and I got together to practice our song for Sunday just a bit, then later we went to Janelle's concert... Bravisimo my dear!! It was awesome. I really enjoyed the music and was just inspired that Christ has blessed so many people with so many different talents and gifts to worship Him with. Keep on praising your Savior through the way He's made you, Janelle... you ROC chicka.
Sunday, we got to church at "8" (since we were actually a bit late) to practice our song again... I had a lot of fun worshipping with you guys :o) .... Sunday School was fun, Romans is good stuff... then, lunch with the fam, and to AMC to see Madea's Family Reunion... funny movie. Then, youth and then Applebee's to hang out with some of my favorite people ~ Lerah, Kyle, Ian, Erin, Paul, Ethan, Erica, and Alicia... then to Wal-Mart with Lerah and to my house to watch a movie!! Oh yes, another highlight of Sunday would be tracing David W and cutting out a cardboard child and dressing it for Lerah's biology class... fun, fun... I love you, Lerah :o)
Monday, I took Camron to get his picture made (yes, J and J, I said picture made just for you 2) which was, well, interesting. He was kinda having mood swings that morning... then I went to the orthodontist and I finally got my braces off!!!! YAY!!! I'll post you pics later, so unless you've already seen me or will see me at church tonight, you're just gonna have to wait a lil while longer... sorry... anyways, then my Mom, Cam, and I went to Chik-fil-A and then home and then James came over to see my pretty teeth and hang out, made dinner for my fam and then left to go see Ballet Magnificat... good stuff. I love the story of Ruth and to see it played out in dance is exciting. I miss ballet sometimes, but it was so encouraging to watch people who are so dedicated to not only becoming amazing dancers, but giving God all the glory for it. I had fun hanging out with Janelle and getting to talk to her some... wow, God's really been using you to bless me, girl. Thanks!
Tuesday... Kenley turned 24. Good gracious, you're old, kid. Hahaha, that was an oxymoron. Anyways, I "took" him to lunch at Broken Egg and then we went house-idea shopping at Target and then went to visit Joey at Publix. I miss my brother so much when I'm at school, and it was good to hang out with him just the 2 of us, it's hard to get to do that anymore with both of us being so busy and, ya know, so popular (riiiight ;o) ). Thank you for being such an encouragement in my life, Kenley. I never could have asked for a more amazing brother or close friend. You have inspired me in more ways than you will ever know and I count every moment I spend with you as a blessing from our Lord. Thank you for seeking after Him and allowing Him to use you in my life and so many others. After all that, Kenley had to show his house, so James and I went to Old Bainbridge Park and hung out for a while... good times. I enjoy all the time I spend with you, darling... thanks for being you. Then, to church to eat dinner with the family then to my house to watch a movie... actually, the same one I watched with Lerah, but I like that movie so it's all good. Except that my brothers and my father loooove to ruin chick flicks and make obnoxious comments and do cheesy imitations... sheesh, how did I make it growing up with all you guys ;o) ?
Today, I hung out with Cam in the morning and then we took him to Chuck E Cheese's.... that was fun. I think I heard him say "Chuck E Cheese" at least a thousand times in the car on the way there... he was really excited. He loved to play Skee Ball but the thing is he couldn't roll the ball hard enough to get all the way to the score rings so we'd have to help him roll it the rest of the way... he had a blast, that's what counts. We went to buy him new shoes afterwards which turned out to be quite an episode because he knew which ones he wanted and they weren't the ones my mom wanted to get, but she gave in, they were second choice anyway... he's growing up so fast, he was so cute making me put my foot in the size-finder thing and moving the measurer up and down. You'd never guess that getting "new socks and shoes" could be such an adventure. So soon it will be time to get Cam up from his nap and get ready to go to church... yay, I'm excited. God has been reminding me a lot lately how good it is to fellowship with other believers. We can't make it without one another, and there have been times recently that I've realized that more acutely than ever. So, to close this loooong make-up post out, I'm gonna post a song... it's for all of my friends and family who have been there through the years that I couldn't have made it this far without... and it's especially for you, Mabelina.

I need you
you need me
We're all a part of God's body
Stand with me
Agree with me
We're all a part of God's body

It is His will
that every need be supplied
you are important to me
I need you to survive

I'll pray for you
you pray for me
I love you
I need you to survive
I won't harm you with words from my mouth
I love you I need you to survive

It is His will that every need be supplied
You are important to me
I need you to survive

"I need you to survive" by Kirk Franklin


jess said...

Wow........................I cannot wait until you post pix. Sounds like you've had an AWESOME spring break. I can't wait for mine. Great song!


Anonymous said...

Lot's of good times. Too bad my name isn't in there somewhere! :( I'm glad you are having good times sista. Love you lots.

James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

Wow, yup this has been a long week! But it has been a very good week and I am so thankful that I got to spend alot of it with you baby doll :o) (that smiley face with the nose was for you) but hey that round nose id kinda growing on me... i actually kinda like it... hehe you are such a blessing to me, and God shows me so much about the love of Christ, through you every day.. Thanks for letting Him live through you.
okie, ill see you later darling, Love you, J

jess said...

Did you take ballet or something?