Sunday, February 12, 2006

I love Mabel, yes I do

So tonight was Creative Date night with Campus Crusade. A guy's Bible study group "asked out" our girl's group and the guys planned the night out. The plan was to go to dinner and then hit up a Korean Karaoke Bar... Marian, Mabel, and I decided we'd probably just go to dinner because we needed to be productive tonight (though I don't think our productive plan really worked out). Turns up the karaoke bar is about an hour away, so I'm glad we didn't go, because we probably wouldn't even be back yet. Anyways... dinner was fun. We actually had two guys groups and two girls groups go together. The guys treated us to Baris, a fun pizza place. We had a good time. It's cool to hang out with people in a relaxed atmosphere, knowing that everyone is there because they are involved in the pursuit of Christ through a Campus Crusade Bible study. Good times, good times. Mabel and I then had a typical photo shoot as we try and do whenever we actually have made an attempt to look nice. So, enjoy the pics :o)
Marian and Mabel, aww...

Again, again :o)

Me and Tabitha

Marian, Mabel, and Me (ooo... so many M's... hahahaha)

Mabel helped me do eyeliner for the first time, pretty cool stuff...

Eyes are so cool

Aren't we cute? Hahaha... you wouldn't believe how many attempts it takes to get cute pics of us... seriously, it's quite an ordeal, but, we usually get a lot of laughs out of it, so it's all good...


My roomie loves me... *blush*


I love you, Mabel Tabeetha Macaden, and I wouldn't trade you for the world...

This is pretty much my new favorite picture... we were truly meant for each other, eh, Mabe? *wink wink*


Anonymous said...

haha awwwww...tamara elise stringer, itz unbelievable how much i love paul (the one from the bible lol) said, i thank God for you constantly :-) UMMMAAAAAA!!! (eh thas a kiss in indian *wink*)

James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

Oh my lord girl! you're freaking hot! dang... I'm speechless... yes, I speechless... wow that doesn't happen very much.. dangit, I love you Tamara!I can't wait to see you darling!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to meet your wonderful roomie! Tell her she is amzingly beautiful and thank you for taking care of my The Tammy for me!!!!!! I CAN"T WAIT TO SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND! Well, I hope to. I have a retreat at camp, but I will be back on Sunday sometime ( I will hunt you down sista!)