Friday, September 23, 2005

You're Invited

This is for everybody in the Tallahassee area that knows and loves either Janelle or me or both and wants to celebrate our birthdays with us ;-) I get to come home next weekend (I can't tell you how excited I am), and so, we are having a party to celebrate that Janelle and I are 18 (well, Janelle will be 18 on that day and, for those of you who missed it, I turned 18 last Monday, September 12). So the party is Saturday October 1 at my house (yes, my house in Havana, FL... more like pseudo-Havana, hahaha) starting at about 6:30 pm... good stuff. If you need directions or anything feel free to email me at or call my cell phone (sorry, not gonna post that). I miss you guys sooo much and would love for you to come if you can, you can come whenever works for you... though we will be eating dinner and if you want to guarantee you get food you might wanna come towards the beginning :) .I just wanted to let you all know about this now, hopefully before you have jam packed your weekend with other plans. It'd be good to know roughly how many people are coming, so if you know you are coming, leave me a comment, send me an email, call me or Janelle or my mom, whatever. But, don't use the excuse "I didn't RSVP" if you don't show up... that won't fly, all are always welcome ;-) .Thank you guys so much. I love you all and can't wait to see you!!!


Jenshka said...

Hey, I'm pretty sure I can come and I will probably end up bringing the two little people who live in my house :-)

Todd G Sapp said...

Jensha...r u bringing Chris and Brandon as well?