Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today I was reminded that my time left at Baylor is dwindling... and I had to hold back tears. I'm excited, don't get me wrong. I know God has great things in store for me. I'm sad to leave, though, especially my friends. I don't like making new friends. Coming to Baylor was really hard for me because it took time to develop real relationships, and surface relationships are not my thing. If I'm honest, I'm somewhat anxious about being in that place again. But, then, I know that that anxiety is not from God, and I need to trust Him to meet my every need. Pray for me, though, please, because my heart aches at the thought of not having people to call to go to lunch with or study at Starbucks or make a Wal-Mart run. At least I'll have some of my precious family there... I won't be totally by myself, and those precious little people I'm related to can cheer my heart from pretty much any sorrow. I know. How could you not smile at this:

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