Sunday, March 30, 2008


Today at church we began a series on Jeremiah. I'm really excited about getting into the Old Testament as I have found that I have studied it less and less through the years and really desire to know God's word more fully. The whole Bible is about Jesus. He was there before coming to earth as a man, and the power of God Almighty and His character remains throughout the New Testament, the Old Testament, to this day, and forever. As we read today in Jeremiah I thought of the sad reality that people do not fear God. I do not mean fear Him as a super-power looking for an opportunity to strike them dead, but fear Him in awe and reverence because He does HAVE that power, yet He chose to take His wrath out on His Son and show US mercy. Whoa. God could choose and rightfully so to extinguish us when we run from Him and His glory. But He doesn't. God is just, though, and He did not and does not excuse sin. The penalty for sin is death. The beautiful thing is that the penalty was paid through the death of Christ on the cross. God's people saw the discipline of the Lord in the time of Jeremiah. But they also saw His mercy. I'm excited about what is to come in the next few weeks!

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