Thursday, April 13, 2006

At the Foot of the Cross

The cross is amazing. God has brought me to the fooot of the cross this week as the days lead up to the celebration of His resurrection. Jesus, thank You for being my sacrifice. Thank You that You are unfailing, that You are love, and that in You love is unfailing. I don't know why, but Satan has been attacking my self worth lately. Maybe it's because I've been preaching it a lot to a lot of people, that we have to embrace who we are in Christ and not get allow Satan to convince us that we can do nothing for His glory. Christ's glory is in me, so I can offer Him a worthy sacrifice. I can sing praises that are the sweetest music to His ears, because I am covered in the blood of Christ and I am blameless. Do I realize what I've been rescued from? I pray I never forget that I was without hope, without light, without love.... when I was without Christ. But now, I choose not to let Satan convince me that I cannot be effective. I won't let him deceive him into believing I cannot be a disciple of Christ who shines for Him in a way that people notice. That belittles God's power that is in me. No, I choose to embrace that I am perfect and holy in His sight. I lay every burden of self degradation down at the cross. My sin, my worthlessness, is wiped away. I trade my ashes in for beauty...

At the foot of the cross, where grace and suffering meet
You have shown me your love, through the judgment You received
and You've won my heart, yes You've won my heart

Now I can trade these ashes in for beauty
and wear forgiveness as a crown
Coming to kiss the feet of mercy
I lay every burden down
At the foot of the cross

At the foot of the cross, where I am made complete
You have given me life through the death You bore for me
and You've won my heart, yes You've won my heart..

Now I can trade these ashes in for beauty
and wear forgiveness as a crown
Coming to kiss the feet of mercy
I lay every burden down
At the foot of the cross


jess said...

I know how it feel so be at the foot of the cross. Its amazing. I love it. Figuratively, I was there today.

jess said...

Satan has been trying to tell me lately that I am not worth anything because I screwed up yesterday. Yes, I know I screwed up but I am not going to believe satan's lies that because I have messed up that God cannot use me and because I have messed up that God hates me or whatever. Satan's lies SUCK.

Anonymous said...

just know from someone who's touched by your life on a daily basis, you DO make a difference...i love you...