Sunday, April 29, 2007


I've been thinking a lot about how influential we are, and how we don't live in light of that truth. I've struggled recently with dealing with guilt over people I have hurt. We hear sermons about how to deal with people hurting us, but what about being the one that inflicts hurt on someone else? My heart breaks to think of the countless people that I have torn down, discouraged, talked down to, judged, stereotyped, labeled, misrepresented Christ to. I know I've been a tool for deep hurt in the lives of a lot of people. Satan has tried to convince me that because of my shortcomings and failures, I cannot be fruitful in my pursuit of Christ's glory. The truth is, Christ is above and beyond any mistake that I have made or will ever make, no matter how royal of a mistake it may be. There are days that I only hold on to this hope by a thread, but my grip even on that thread is unshakable. If you're like me, and you struggle with having hurt others, DON'T GIVE UP. He uses those of us who fall into the murk and mire. His Love Endures Forever. Forever. Forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.............I can really relate to that right now.