Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Some thoughts...

So, I'm becoming addicted to a lot of country music. That is a story in and of itself, but I just wanted to share some thoughts I've had about the chorus of this song:

Someday maybe somebody will love me like I need
And someday I won't have to prove cause somebody will see
All my worth, but until then I'll do just fine on my own
With my cigarettes and this old dirt road

Far too often I take the hope that I have in Christ for granted. I forget what it's like to be lost. I don't know how so many people do it, going through each day without the purpose and passion that He brings. I take His love for granted. I don't have to wait for "someday" like in the song. I am loved beyond what I will ever need by my amazing Father. His love never fails. God is crazy about us, His children. Find hope in that today. It's the truth, and it is powerful. There's my very abbreviated version of what this song makes me think. :o)

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